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Costing the Design

  • Calculating Cost
  • Once the Product Specification Document "PSD" is complete, a reasonable quote for the project can be generated. The cost of starting the design is based on some of the following.

  • Initial Design Start
  • Most of the initial time required in the design start process is the gathering part specifications and creating the Geometry's and Symbols for the Schematic. The Geometry's create the Pads, Drill Holes, Silkscreen, ect. for the PCB. Before the Schematic Diagram can be created, most if not all of the components must have these attributes entered. Most of the Geometry's already exist such as Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, ect. New or custom library parts for a particular design will need to be created.

  • Schematic Diagram
  • After all components are defined, the Schematic Diagram can be started. At this point, some parts of the circuit may need to be Bread Boarded for pre testing although, this is not always the case. Once the Schematic is complete, a PDF file of the Schematic and a Bill of Material will be generated for review.

  • PCB Design
  • After approval of the schematic and once the mechanical layout of the PCB such as mounting holes and connector placement meet approval, the layout can be started. Like with the Schematic, a PDF file of proposed part placements will need approval before actual routing of the board. Once placement is approved, the routing process can begin. A point to point check and netlist check of the board and schematic will be performed after routing. When all checks are complete, gerber and drill files for board production can be compiled. In some cases, the decision to panelize the board must be made at this point although, this may not be necessary for prototypes.

  • Prototype Construction & Testing
  • A small quantity of prototypes can be manually constructed to avoid the expense of having a factory tool up for your project on the first run. SMD boards can be time consuming but not impossible to construct by hand.